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Ken Purcell on Saint Pat's

Ken Purcell on Saint Pat's

Ken dressed to entertain St Patrick's Day 2015!

The Jolly Tars performing at the The Mariners' Museum in Newport News, Virgina during the commemoration of the 150th Battle of Hampton Roads. March, 2012.

Ken as Cornelius Clodhopper

Ken as Cornelius Clodhopper

"Corny" gettin' happy with the banjo-uke

The Jolly Tars at McCarthy's Red Stag Pub in Bethlehem, PA on September 11, 2014.

The Jolly Tars performing at Harbor Day 2012, Ocean City MD.

The Jolly Tars on board the USS Constelation in Baltimore, MD.

The Jolly Tars Celebrate Lincoln's Birthday at Union League of Philadelphia, February 12, 2013.

The Jolly Tars - Ken Purcell and Jake Laubach.

The Jolly Tars perform at the Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts on April 22, 2013.

The Jolly Tars - Jake Laubach and Ken Purcell.

The Jolly Tars performing at Camp Geiger Civil War Days, Whitehall, PA June 1, 2014.

The Jolly Tars on the deck of the USS Monitor, The Mariners' Museum in Newport News, Virgina. March 2012.

The Jolly Tars performing at Mystic Seaport Mystic, Connecticut. June 1, 2013.

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